

Vídeo mostra, de forma perfeita, por que razão as mães “acordam” cansadas



A mulher que vais ver no vídeo decidiu filmar muma noite normal lá em casa, junto dos seus filhos bebés.

O resultado do vídeo, é a prova perfeita de que ser mãe não é tarefa fácil, e de que todas elas merecem a nossa admiração…

Melanie vai partilhando a sua experiência de mãe no Instagram, onde já tem mais de 80.000 seguidores:

Save this recipe and make this smoothie tomorrow!! Seriously so good taste and nutritious wise. We have started all of our kids on smoothies around 8 months of age. As a vegan, or anyone, greens are uber important to incorporate into your daily diet. They are packed full of all the crucial micronutrients you need. The only problem is they are not calorie dense… so you need to eat a LOT of greens to hit those amazing benefits and count them as a source of nutrition. It’s hard to eat 1lb of greens in one sitting, but to drink that in a smoothie… totally possible. Smoothies vs juicing allow you to keep the fiber which is why we make daily smoothies verse juicing. Below I share the recipe and the why behind some of the key ingredients . Smoothie Recipe – 2 cups spinach (basically high in everything! But let’s focus on the needs of the growing toddler bodies – spinach is high in zinc (Zinc to Think!), protein, vitamins A, C, E and K, calcium, iron, and magnesium. – 1 1/2 cups @ripplefoods non-dairy milk (unlike nut milks Ripple has protein in addition to calcium and provides a good source of omega-3s, vitamin D and iron) Blend greens and liquid then add the remaining ingredients: – 2 tbsp Hemp Seeds (these are a vegan super food, we add them to our oatmeal and smoothies. High in protein (10g/serving), Iron, Zinc, Magnesium and Manganese) – 1 Ripe Banana (look for those brown spots, means the sugar enzymes are breaking down making them ideal of our bodies to absorb nutrients and digest) – 2 Medjool Dates (makes things sweet and adds some calories) – 1/2 cup Frozen Mango (Vitamin A and Folate) – 1/2 cup Frozen Peaches (Vitamin A and C) – 1 tbsp peanut butter (Protein, iron, vitamin B and Magnesium) Blend again! (if your kid is 3 and under or your are BF then add 1tbsp vegan DHA for brain developement @florahealthy) . I cannot recommend enough to make smoothies a daily part of your day, My kids seriously LOVE helping to make them and the possibilities are endless. Add frozen broccoli, cauliflower, sweet potato, beets, any fruit! It’s great, and if the kids make them they feel more inclined to drink it! #smoothierecipe #vegankids #fitmommawhatandwhy #9monthsold #blw

Uma publicação partilhada por Melanie Darnell (@fitmomma4three) a

Esta mãe revela na descrição do video que o seu marido viaja regularmente a trabalho, e que por isso fica, muitas vezes, sozinha com os seus dois filhos.

O de 10 meses ainda não dorme a noite completa, e o de dois anos tem uma infecção no ouvido.

A mãe revela ainda que gravou o video para curiosidade pessoal, para perceber quanto sono realmente consegue…