

Pai de 3 filhos faz transformação radical em 6 meses, para os poder “acompanhar”



Um homem de 39 anos, pai de 3 filhos decidiu mudar completamente de vida, para se tornar melhor pai e marido para a sua família.

Em apenas seis meses, a sua determinação e trabalho duro já alcançaram resultados tão inacreditáveis, que até a família esta incrédula.

Em agosto, o vendedor de antiguidades que vive no Montana, Estados Unidos, fez uma viagem de mochila às costas a um lago de montanha com os filhos, como contou ao Daily Mail.

“Em vez de ficar com todas as boas lembranças do que fizemos nesta viagem, tudo o que me conseguia lembrar era a minha falta de fôlego nas caminhadas, sempre a vir-me à cabeça.”, escreveu Jeremiah no Instagram.

“Fiquei completamente sem fôlego, e tive que parar muito antes das minhas crianças de 9, 7 e 6 anos”.

Combinando uma dieta rigorosa e exercício físico intenso, o homem começou a sua transformação.

“Não tenham medo de enfrentar, e não o escondam.”

Man. . Yesterday was a day. . I was on the edge of my seat filled with excitement. . All day I kept checking 1st Phorms IG and website. . By 5:30 Montana time I was like man! They aren’t going to post it today. . So I went to workout again to take some of the crazy nerves! . At 7:40 my wife texted me “ahhhhhhhhh you won!!!!” . It was then that I saw my phone lighting up with all the comments of congratulations. . I felt every emotion from shock to gratitude to overwhelmed silence. . While I can honesty say yes I did the work, we all know it takes more than just that. . I have to say I could not have done this without all the instruction and support of the @1st Phorm team and staff and well as the incredible community that the 1st Phorm Phamily lives and breathes daily. . Thinking back over this leg of the journey is surreal. From camping with my family and gasping for breath to keep up to going home and finding a video that @andyfrisella posted. . That video hit home with me. It was him talking about his own struggles with weight. I cried. It was like his voice could have been my voice. That’s when I decided to not just sign up but to really make a lasting change. . My family is my number one REASON. . Because of 1st Phorm I am so much more of a leader and example for them. To not only live out extraordinary lives together but to catapult us all into a stronger more powerful future. . I’ve listened to Andy’s podcast nearly every single day of this transPhormation. Listening to those podcasts gave me direction and a way to define things that I felt in life but I had fallen away from and forgotten. . I can’t thank Andy enough. Because behind every great company-organization-family is a tremendous leader. His passion to better those around him bleeds through every page, podcast and thing that 1st Phorm is and stands for. . I beyond grateful because I know I will win on a daily basis over and over again. This entire thing has changed my life and my family’s life forever. . This was never a take the money and run plan…though the money is a crazy awesome part of it….I’m not done. Not even close. . Continue to read in comments ????????????????????????????????????????????

Uma publicação partilhada por Jeremiah Peterson (@jeremiahpetersonmontana) a

Durante 6 meses, fez duas horas de caminhada, e uma hora de ginásio diariamente. Perdendo 37 quilos, Jeremiah passou do tamanho 42 em jeans, para um 33.

“Passei de ter um corpo de pai preguiçoso, para ter um físico de miúdo da faculdade”, disse Jeremiah ao Daily Mail.

????????PHOTO BEFORE AUGUST 4th AND AFTER PHOTO JANUARY 8th ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Go beyond showing up and doing the work. Part of why I keep making these side by sides is because I want my daily wins to be more powerful. For myself. I think so often people believe that there is a finish line. That once you pass that invisible thresh hold that your world will stay that way, that your bank account will stay at a great number, that you won’t have to think about staying in shape anymore, that you won’t have to think about making your wife fall in love with you everyday like the first day, that you won’t have to keep striving. But that’s bull crap. I want to remember how easy it was to slide down to that and that I have to DO THE WORK to be in the best shape of my life daily. Yes I have goals for later in the year but I have to focus on today. By remembering everyday where I came from and tell myself daily I’m not going back. It would have been really easy to slide into Christmas and New Years just like I always have. But I want more. So no days off. Stay active. Stay hungry. This isn’t just a physical transformation for me. I have some things that I have to do. It’s what I wake up thinking about. What I fall asleep dreaming about. It’s what I want to fight for and NEVER fall back into a timid place of complacency and acceptance. Because God knows I am thankful for all I have. But He also put me here to be great. To provide in more ways than I have for my family. To push the envelope in our businesses. To proof every enemy, well meaning friend and family member wrong. That there can be more. That I have more to give and do. And it all starts with what I do today. And each day. To tally it up to a HUGE win. . #wintheday #dothework #nofinishline #wedothework #nodaysoff #winthemoment #gobeyond #win #imnotdone

Uma publicação partilhada por Jeremiah Peterson (@jeremiahpetersonmontana) a

“Desde que perdi a gordura, tudo melhorou: o meu cabelo e a minha pele ficaram mais saudáveis”

Jeremiah dá os créditos desta recuperação aos filhos, com a inspiração que lhe deram para fazer as mudanças no seu estilo de vida e evitar problemas de saúde também:

“Eles transformaram não apenas o meu físico, mas a maneira como penso e sinto… Se eu posso fazer isto, qualquer um pode “.

????????Yes, that is me!!! The first picture was take August 4th. We had taken a back packing trip to a mountain lake here in Montana. Instead of remembering all the good memories we had made on this trip all I can remember is this one thing that kept playing in my head over and over again. I found myself running out of breath and having to take breaks way before my 9, 7 and 6 year old kids. It’s played over and over in my head. I know now that the @1stphorm Transphormation Challenge was the best thing I have ever chosen to do.It has changed everything in my life for the better. The second picture was taken a couple days ago December 23rd. In the first pic I weighed 280 lbs and in the second 198 lbs for a total weight loss of 82lbs. I now can run up those same trails without stopping if I wanted to. I have taken back control of my life and plan on never returning back to that first picture!!!!! Here at @1stphorm #wedothework and #neversettle !!! ????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Uma publicação partilhada por Jeremiah Peterson (@jeremiahpetersonmontana) a