

Demi Lovato: “perdi o meu mundo”…está de luto




Demi Lovato fez saber através da sua conta no instagram que a sua bisavó faleceu.

A cantora postou duas fotos com uma sentida mensagem sobre a perda daquela que, segundo as suas palavras, foi uma, senão mesmo, a mais importante pessoa da sua vida.

“Eu atribuo a minha força a ela (…) O amor e apoio que eu recebi foi muito especial para mim… eu amo-a muito”

“Esta manhã eu perdi o meu mundo e a mulher mais especial do mundo. Sinto tanto a falta dela que nem as palavras conseguem descrevê-lo”

São algumas das palavras da cantora.

This morning I lost my world and the world’s most special woman. I miss her more than words can even describe. There is an emptiness in my heart that only her spirit can fill and I pray that I will feel her by my side every single day until we meet again. I attribute my strength to her.. She held on when she lost the love of her life.. The one she was married to for 53 years. She smiled even though she lost a son just this year. She told everyone she loved them every single chance she got and she joked even when her strokes left her unable to speak properly. The smile that she had not only could light up a whole room but it most definitely lit up the entire nursing home. She was my great-grandmother but we were so close that I never knew it was possible that anyone could have the bond that we shared even 70 years a part. The pain I feel is almost unbearable but because of her strength I will power through it. The love and support I have received has been empowering and so special to me.. I love all of you so much and I am forever grateful for the prayers, texts and fan art my Lovatics have made me. Thank you. Mimaw, I hope you are with Papa now.. I hate that I can’t hear your voice but I love that you are no longer in pain. I love you so much and I miss you more than anyone could ever imagine. I’ll miss your smile, your wittiness, painting your nails and your kisses. I really do love you more. Rest in peace and most importantly rest in the Lord. #RIPMimaw

Uma foto publicada por Demi Lovato (@ddlovato) a


Uma foto publicada por Demi Lovato (@ddlovato) a

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