

Casaram suspensos, a 120 metros do chão, e as fotografias são de cortar a respiração



Para Ryan e Kimberly casar foi, literalmente, emocionante.

Muitas pessoas dizem que casar é uma experiência extremamente stressante. Mas este casal aventureiro da Califórnia, levou a emoção do casamento a um “nível” nunca antes visto.

O casal deu o nó “nos céus” de um deserto, perto de Moab, no Utah, Estados Unidos, onde ambos se apaixonaram e depois ficaram noivos.

“Só fazia sentido que eles se casassem aqui”, escreveram os fotógrafos no Instagram.

“É uma representação de confiança, amor próprio e vida. Esta é a energia com que quero estar rodeado, e levar comigo no nosso casamento, e ao longo das nossas vidas juntos”, disse a noiva num post no Instagram.

As imagens da cerimonia são de tirar o fôlego. O casal pode ser visto de pé sobre uma rede colorida.

Os amigos realizaram movimentos aéreos abaixo deles, e os BASE jumpers serviram como “floristas”, mergulhando nas falésias espalhando 5.000 pétalas pelo ar”.

Instead of “I do’s”, @slackinhigh and I exchanged “HELL YEAHS!” I think everyone was stoked ;) It was so fun to be able to take the traditional ceremony of marriage and turn it into something so completely “us”, down to every last detail. Thank you @sketchyandylewis for the net and for being best man, thank you @slacklifebc for helping Andy, Ryan, and I dream up the spacenet aisle into a reality, possibly a world’s first. Thank you @blackrockseco for officiating us like a PRO even though you’ve never been to a wedding before. You had big shoes to fill and your feet were busting out at the top. Thank you @_gillogs_ for being my best woman and letting me put you on a net 400 ft in the air completely out of your comfort zone. Thank you @theletabug @cdignes @lizasouras for performing on silks and lyra under us. Thank you @friedikuehne for crushing it on the 700 footer behind us while we said our vows. Thank you @mrcorbing for coordinating all the BASE jumping “flower girls” and not hesitating when I said I was hoping for a crew of jumpers to pack flower petals into their chutes. Thank you @Katevictoria_hair for coming all the way to Moab to do my hair! Thank you @mtn_mat for coordinating our wedding day, the rave AND cooking the entire reception dinner for 200+ people. (Sorry we tasked you with so many big and critical jobs ????????❤️) Thank you @canyon_cain for DJing the sickest wedding reception ever. Thank you to our families and entire groom and bridal party for supporting us along the way. My dad even got out on the net to walk me down the aisle! Thank you @galialahav for hands down making the most beautiful and intricate gowns on the planet and making me feel like an absolute desert goddess out there. Thank you @kinsleyjamescouturebridal for helping me with all the dress alterations. Thank you to all the monkeys that came out to help set up the wedding in the days prior, and thank you everyone that came out to celebrate with us!!!The day was what it was because of all of you! Thanks everyone for getting involved and staying stoked. I love this community and Ryan and I are so happy to get to share our love with all of you. ????: @thehearnes

Uma publicação partilhada por Kimberly Weglin (@_kimw_) a

Quando perguntada sobre como se sentia ao casar no alto, a noiva disse:

“Eu costumava ficar aterrorizada com as alturas quando comecei neste desporto, mas agora estou confortável…”

#squadgoals ????:@thehearnes

Uma publicação partilhada por Kimberly Weglin (@_kimw_) a

Os convidados “alinharam” na aventura, e a festa de casamento fez-se no local, com muita adrenalina à mistura:

O casal, visivelmente apaixonado:

One of my favorite parts about our relationship is that we share the same passions and attitudes towards life. I love that I can share this space with @slackinhigh, above the quiet abyss, with no questions asked, and with full calm and understanding. Between all the highlining and adventuring we have done over the past three years, we have found ourselves constantly putting our lives into each other’s hands (i.e. trusting their rigging, trusting that they’re spotting or belaying you correctly, trusting that they care enough to be attentive, double check their work, and keep you safe, etc.) From that I believe we have developed a really special bond and a really strong trust in one another. When you have done things together that literally challenge your lives, it has a way of highlighting the important things, and every other “problem” you had before suddenly seem to be insignificant in comparison. Our adventures remind us to LIVE together. To be lighthearted and not waste our short time on this Earth squabbling about petty things and “problems” that we don’t really have. Additionally, this photo represents the bond we have with the community in trusting the safety of this net that we all helped weave, rig, and create. @sketchyandylewis. Maybe that’s why the slack family as a whole is so special. We are all bonded in this way that not many people will ever understand. In a way that you only really get to understand when you are pushing your boundaries and having ultimate faith in your fellow human being. ❤️ ????:@thehearnes

Uma publicação partilhada por Kimberly Weglin (@_kimw_) a

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