

8 fotografias incríveis do eclipse solar



Ontem, 21 de agosto de 2017, milhões de pessoas ficaram de olhos postos no céu enquanto tentavam vislumbrar o eclipse solar.

O eclipse total apenas foi visível numa pequena parte dos Estados Unidos, de Salem, no Oregon, até Charleston, na Carolina do Sul.

O fenómeno foi também visto parcialmente em todo o continente da América do Norte, bem como em partes da América do Sul, África e Europa.

Muitos quiseram imortalizar o momento em fotografia…

Aqui ficam algumas das melhores…

Smith Rock State Park


The Great American Eclipse as seen from Oregon. Millions of people gathered to the narrow path of totality to witness one of the most epic astronomical phenomenons of the century. Smoke filled the valley over Detroit Lake. Mt. Jefferson towered in the distance but was blocked by the smoke from wildfires. As the eclipse came into totality, the air became colder, and the smoke dropped a little, revealing the mountain for the 2 minutes of totality. The sky gave a twilight mood as the landscape darkened by the shadow of the moon. Colors began to pop as if it was just another sunset or sunrise. Planets and stars were visible along with the midday sun. Our original spot along the coast was fogged in, so we booked it to a spot we originally wanted to experience the event. Took a power nap and got ready for the show. This was the most incredible experience of mine, and possibly many others lifetime. I’m glad I got to experience this with Darian Westbrook. A moment we will never forget <3 Hope you guys enjoy the image :) . . . #landscape #artofvisuals #visualsoflife #beautifuldestinations #thelensbible #discoverlandscape #earthpix #earthfocus #exploretocreate #travelstoke #fantastic_earth #bevisuallyinspired #modernoutdoorsman #nakedplanet #ourplanetdaily #agameoftones #stayandwander #wildernessculture #welltravelled #collectivelycreate #welivetoexplore #roamtheplanet #theglobewanderer #thegreatoutdoors #eclectic_shotz #moodygrams #oregon #eclipse #totality

Uma publicação partilhada por Jasman Mander (@jasmanmander) a

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Great Smoky Mountain:


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8 fotografias incríveis do eclipse solar